Synology PhotoStation REST API

Version 0.2.0

An Unofficial Reference

SYNO.PhotoStation.Tag list


Parameter Description Required?
limit Number of items to return per request (integer) Yes
offset Starting index of return set (integer starting at 0) Yes
type Comma separated list of tag types (people, geoand/or desc) Yes
sort_direction Direction of sorting (asc = ascending, dsc = descending) Optional
unconfirm_people_tag If true, display unconfirmed people tags as well Optional

Sample Response

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "total": 11,
    "offset": 5,
    "tags": [
        "id": "tag_102",
        "type": "tag",
        "tag_type": "desc",
        "name": "CC"
        "id": "tag_24",
        "type": "tag",
        "tag_type": "desc",
        "name": "Family"
        "id": "tag_27",
        "type": "tag",
        "tag_type": "desc",
        "name": "Football"
        "id": "tag_7",
        "type": "tag",
        "tag_type": "desc",
        "name": "Halloween"
        "id": "tag_2",
        "type": "tag",
        "tag_type": "desc",
        "name": "Japan"


The pagination of returned results is determined by the values of limit and offset. limit determines how many items to return in each query while offset determines the starting point for the current return set.

In order to fetch all matches from a list query, the following workflow should be followed:

  • send request with offset=0
  • receive response and examine returned total and offset values
  • if total == offset, there are no more items to receive and the query is complete
  • send request with offset equal to the value of offset returned in response
  • repeat above until total == offset


On error, list can return one of the following error values:

Error Value Description
WEBAPI_ERR_BAD_REQUEST Missing or invalid parameters