Synology PhotoStation REST API

Version 0.2.0

An Unofficial Reference

SYNO.API.Info query

Returns a list of matching API names and their supported versions.


Parameter Description Required?
query Comma separated list of API names to return. Use all to return all APIs. Yes

Sample Response

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "SYNO.PhotoStation.Auth": {
      "path": "auth.php",
      "minVersion": 1,
      "maxVersion": 1
    "SYNO.PhotoStation.Info": {
      "path": "info.php",
      "minVersion": 1,
      "maxVersion": 2
    "SYNO.PhotoStation.Album": {
      "path": "album.php",
      "minVersion": 1,
      "maxVersion": 1
    "SYNO.PhotoStation.Permission": {
      "path": "permission.php",
      "minVersion": 1,
      "maxVersion": 1
    "SYNO.PhotoStation.Photo": {
      "path": "photo.php",
      "minVersion": 1,
      "maxVersion": 1
    "SYNO.PhotoStation.Thumb": {
      "path": "thumb.php",
      "minVersion": 1,
      "maxVersion": 1
    "SYNO.API.Info": {
      "path": "query.php",
      "minVersion": 1,
      "maxVersion": 1


As the general API workflow recommends querying SYNO.API.Info prior to authentication, no session cookie or token is required for this API call.