Synology PhotoStation REST API

Version 0.2.0

An Unofficial Reference

SYNO.PhotoStation.Photo edit

Update the metadata for one or more items (photo or video).

Note all items will be assigned the same values for any metadata settings passed.


Parameter Description Required?
id Comma separated list of item IDs Yes
description Short description of photo/video Optional
gps_lat GPS latitude Optional
gps_lng GPS longitude Optional
title Title of photo/video Optional
rating Rating (0-5) Optional

Note: any rating value greater than 5 will be assigned a value of 5.

Both gps_lat and gps_lng must be present for changes to be made to GPS coordinates. If both gps_lat and gps_lng are present but unset, then the GPS location data will be removed from the item(s).

Sample Response

  "success": true

Unfortunately the response is not particularly informative as it does not show any per-item status. Additionally, some errors (for example, attempting to copy an invalid ID) are never reported.


On error, edit can return one of the following error values:

Error Value Description
PHOTOSTATION_PHOTO_BAD_PARAMS Missing or invalid parameters