Synology PhotoStation REST API

Version 0.2.0

An Unofficial Reference

SYNO.PhotoStation.PhotoTag delete

Delete tag references from photos or videos. If any tags are no longer referenced by other items, the tags will be deleted completely.


Parameter Description Required?
id Comma separated list of item IDs Yes
tag_id Comma separated list of tag IDs Optional
item_tag_id Comma separated list of item tag IDs Optional

Either the tag_id or item_tag_id must be provided. The tag_id is a global ID for a given people, geo or desc tag that is common across all items associated with it. The item_tag_id is unique to each item-tag pairing and can be thought of as an identifier for the tag reference for an item.

item_tag_id’s are returned by the desc_tag and geo_tag methods.

Sample Response

  "success": true


On error, delete can return one of the following error values:

Error Value Description
WEBAPI_ERR_BAD_REQUEST Missing or invalid parameters
PHOTOSTATION_PHOTO_TAG_ACCESS_DENY User does not have manage permissions for album containing item(s)