Synology PhotoStation REST API

Version 0.2.0

An Unofficial Reference

SYNO.PhotoStation.Album list

The list method returns a paginated list of items (photos, videos or albums) contained within a given album or matching a set of user defined queries.


Standard Query

Standard queries list contents of a particular album. The only filtering is based on type.

Parameter Description Required?
limit Number of items to return per request (integer) Yes
offset Starting index of return set (integer starting at 0) Yes
type Comma separated list of item types to return (album, photo and/or video) Yes
id ID of album being queried (if unset, root album) Optional
password Password for album (if password protected) Optional
additional Additional item information to return (see below) Optional
sort_by Sort method (filename, takendate, createdate, preference, mtime) Optional
sort_direction Direction of sorting (asc = ascending, dsc = descending) Optional
force_update If true, forces update of internal cache before returning Optional

Advanced Queries

With advanced queries, users may filter results based on:

  • multiple album names
  • keywords
  • date ranges
  • tags
  • people
  • location
  • EXIF information

Each search type contains a value parameter and a corresponding operator parameter which determines how the query values are treated.

Query Values
Parameter Description Required?
limit Number of items to return per request Yes
offset Starting item in return set (starting at 0) Yes
type Comma separated list of item types to return (album, photo and/or video) Yes
albums Limit query to multiple albums (comma separated). Used in place of id above Optional
keyword List of keywords (comma separated) to search title and descriptions Optional
date Date range (start_date,end_date) Optional
desc_tag List of general tags to search (comma separated) (maximum 5) Optional
people_tag List of people tags to search (comma separated) (maximum 20) Optional
geo_tag List of location tags to search (comma separated) (maximum 5) Optional
camera EXIF Camera Make Optional
model EXIF Camera Model Optional
exposure EXIF Exposure Optional
aperture EXIF Aperature Optional
iso EXIF ISO Optional
focal EXIF Focal Length Optional
lens EXIF Lens Optional
flash EXIF Flash Optional
rating EXIF Rating Optional

NOTE: There are ignore and recursive parameters within the code base, but it does not appear they are implemented.

Query Operators

With the exception of date_op, the query operators determine whether all values are required to match or if any single term among the query values can match. The date_op operator determines which type of date is compared.

Parameter Allowed Values
keyword_op any, all, exact
date_op taken, upload, recently_add or recently_comment
desc_tag_op any or all
people_tag_op any or all
geo_tag_op any or all

While the EXIF values (eg. camera, model, etc..) also have _op parameters (eg. camera_op) the only allowed value is any (the default), so they are not required.

Sample Response

Standard query of root album containing four child albums:

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "total": 4,
    "offset": 4,
    "items": [
        "info": {
          "sharepath": "2019",
          "name": "2019",
          "title": "2019",
          "description": "",
          "hits": 0,
          "type": "public",
          "conversion": true,
          "allow_comment": false,
          "allow_embed": true
        "id": "album_32303139",
        "type": "album",
        "additional": null,
        "thumbnail_status": "small,large"
        "info": {
          "sharepath": "2019-08-25",
          "name": "2019-08-25",
          "title": "2019-08-25",
          "description": "",
          "hits": 0,
          "type": "private",
          "conversion": true,
          "allow_comment": false,
          "allow_embed": false
        "id": "album_323031392d30382d3235",
        "type": "album",
        "additional": null,
        "thumbnail_status": "small,large"
        "info": {
          "sharepath": "iphone",
          "name": "iphone",
          "title": "iphone",
          "description": "",
          "hits": 0,
          "type": "private",
          "conversion": true,
          "allow_comment": false,
          "allow_embed": false
        "id": "album_6970686f6e65",
        "type": "album",
        "additional": null,
        "thumbnail_status": "small,large"
        "info": {
          "sharepath": "other",
          "name": "other",
          "title": "other",
          "description": "",
          "hits": 0,
          "type": "private",
          "conversion": true,
          "allow_comment": false,
          "allow_embed": false
        "id": "album_6f74686572",
        "type": "album",
        "additional": null,
        "thumbnail_status": "preview,small,large"


The pagination of returned results is determined by the values of limit and offset. limit determines how many items to return in each query while offset determines the starting point for the current return set.

In order to fetch all matches from a list query, the following workflow should be followed:

  • send request with offset=0
  • receive response and examine returned total and offset values
  • if total == offset, there are no more items to receive and the query is complete
  • send request with offset equal to the value of offset returned in response
  • repeat above until total == offset

Additional Information

The additional parameter returns additional optional information for the returned items based on the list of values provided. The available additional values vary based on the type of item as shown below:

Value Type Description
file_location All Path to item relative to PhotoStation root directory
album_createdate Album Creation Date (as UNIX timestamp)
album_permission Album Permissions (for current user) for album. Each privilege (“browse”, “upload”, “manage”) will have true or false reported.
album_sorting Album Default sorting method for album
delete_permission Album
item_count Album Number of items within an album (by type)
thumb_size Album
photo_exif Photo EXIF metadata information for photo
video_codec Video Video codec
video_quality Video Video quality

Any additional value that is not compatible with a given item’s type will be silently ignored.


On error, list can return one of the following error values:

Error Value Description
WEBAPI_ERR_BAD_REQUEST Missing or invalid parameter(s) or if album specified by id does not exist.
PHOTOSTATION_ALBUM_NO_ACCESS_RIGHT User does not have access rights to album
PHOTOSTATION_ALBUM_PASSWORD_ERROR Incorrect password for album